Meeting Agenda
- Introductions of Executive
- What relevant experiences do you bring?
- What do you envision GSA as?
- What role do you see yourself having?
- GSA Operations Overview
- Event-focused
- Create committees with other volunteers as necessary
- Develop a volunteer list? Will need to send out some kind of email, anyway
- Good to have regular events (coffee hour, seminars, etc)
- Frequency of socials inverse to work involved
- Finances
- Need a budget with departmental approval
- 3 names on bank account, 2 signatures required for withdrawals
- Create written procedures for managing the bank account
- Create written procedures for managing cash, which is to be in the custody of the treasurer
- Allow annual departmental audits and provide report to GSA members
- Receipts required for re-embursement (to individual or to GSA?)
- Need pre-approval on purchases, unless within a predetermined event budget
- Need a budget with departmental approval
- Executive meeting frequency
- Potentially bi-weekly, depending on how much we need to organize as a group
- Should meet regularly for first few weeks
- Committees separate from core exec
- Organizational tools
- Google docs, calendar for scheduling, minutes, finances, action items
- Access to gsa linux account, email
- Relevance to GSS
- Should collect nominations for GSS councillors
- Event-focused
- GSA Visibility
- Communication emails
- Roughly every week, similar to IEEE student branch format, with “headlines” followed by details
- Limit other emails to just before major events, or openings of new regular events
- Website
- Designate webmaster
- Do we want an official photographer
- Current main-page format isn’t all that bad, just horridly out of date
- Update information
- Add things like technical FAQs
- Communication emails
- Activity Brainstorm (Attach dollar amounts wherever possible)
- Orientation
- BBQs
- Technical seminars
- Linux (partner with IEEE or tech services, perhaps)
- Latex
- Library tools (perhaps in coordination with library services – they offer custom workshops)
- Ideal time for these is early September
- Workshops
- Guest Speakers
- Instructional learning (through TAG)
- Annual General Meeting
- Need to approve constitution, present finances
- Late June?
- Mentoring program
- Partner new students with current students to be shown around campus, Vancouver
- Run before/alongside orientation
- Career Fair
- A big event – would need to partner with other organizations
- Tri-mentoring
- Weekly coffee
- very important for regular visibility
- offer tea, coffee, other beverages?
- cookies
- Group hike
- Potluck
- Games / Movies night
- Lounge renovation
- Furniture
- Games(?)
- Parties
- Christmas / end of fall term
- Various New Years
- Other Socials
- Student / Prof social
- Plan Meeting with Department
- By April 30 if possible
- Meeting with Dr. Ivanov
- Meeting with Luca
- Discuss goals and objectives, collaboration, financing, access to lounge office
- Create short-term schedule
- Next exec meeting
- First coffee hour?
- AGM in June?
- Other events for May?