- Dana and Adam met with Luca:
- Luca agreed for the budget.
- Luca prefers we raise money.
- For the furniture, he needs quotes then he will say if he agrees or not.
- For career night, Luca wants to see the name of companies which going to participate before he agrees or not for the budget.
- 2 more weeks to get the money.
- We all have access to the storage in the lounge.
- We can also get the cable for TV.
- Adam found a free TV. A very big 32” TV which belongs to the tech guy.
- Mohammad: Clean the tea makers.
- Coffee breaks will start 2 weeks from now on Thursdays.
- Furniture we need:
- 2 couch sets
- 2 coffee tables
- 2 side tables
- 1 lounge table
- Some chairs
- The open forum about PhD tuition and TA is on Monday. Free coffee will be provided by the department.
- Annual General Meeting is coming. We should provide pizza.
- Parisa will prepare poster for AGM.
- Dana will improve the content of the website.
- Send email to Ivanov about website. They also want to change the ECE website. Talk to Doris about this.
- Parisa have talked to Purang Abolmaesumi who is a faculty member at the department and is a alumni of our department. He said to Parisa that they used to have the following events for ECE-GSA:
- Mini concert: It was a big event. It was like a talent show.
- Soccer game: Between faculties and students.
- BBQ and volleyball at the Jericho beach for the whole department.
- Orientation time:
- GSS orientation is on Sept 2, 3 and 5.
- Sept 4 is not a good time.
- Sept 1 is the best time.