Borrowing Services

ECEGSA is happy to help you out save money by providing you this service. All ECE graduate students are eligible to borrow any equipment we own. Here is how it works:

  1. Fill out the form below at least 48 hours before your requested pick up date. Please note that you must have an ECE email account in order to be eligible for this service.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your inquiry with the pick up and your return date.
    Please note that the pick up time will be sometimes between 12-2pm on weekdays only. You may borrow any item for a maximum of 3 weekdays. Extensions requests must be submitted at least 3 hours before it’s due and may be approved if there is no other person requesting to borrow the same item.

If you borrow an item on Friday, it will be due on the following Monday. For all other inquiries email us at


Borrowing Services

Please fill up the form below for your request to be considered.

  • You must have an ECE email account for your request to be considered.
    You may select more than one item.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY