Minutes 2010 06 24

his meeting was a conversation held between Adam Noel, Dana Hoffmann, and Jaishankar Iyer

There are three kinds of funding available from GSS:

  1. Departmental Organization Fund (DOF). This fund provides a credit of up to $3 for every student in the department. It can only be used towards events held at GSC facilities (cleanup fee [there IS a cleanup fee], labour, food, any other costs associated with event, etc). Multiple events can take place to withdraw from the fund. The funding period is from September to August, in line with the fees paid by grad students. Officially, organizations need to be registered with the GSS every year, but practically this paperwork doesn’t seem to be done.
  2. Special Events Fund. Provides up to $350 for single events that must be open to all grad students. Typically for events at the GSC, unless there are good reasons otherwise (acoustic requirements, for example). Special rules for promotions, advertising. Ex: could help fund a seminar.
  3. Other funding at discretion of VP Services, currently Sara Saberi (vpservice@gss.ubc.ca). Might not be much money available as GSS is currently in debt. We could request things such as a waiver of labour/cleanup charges for events.

Other notes regarding bookings:

  • The booking manager is able to help with things like liquor licensing, getting food/drinks, etc
  • Since the GSC cannot currently serve liquor, to have liquor at an event we must apply for an SOL from the RCMP, and bring our own bartender and liquor. The cost of someone taking a bartending course could be claimed as an event expense.
  • If we play music at a GSC event there’s a $60 SOCOM charge
  • House Finance committee approves all event funding. It’s good to be there in person to present an application. We can let Jaishankar know beforehand to add us to the agenda. The committee likes to see figures and stats (# of grad students, budget for event, other funding sources) and will ask questions about how the event will be good for grad students. HF meets every week and they must approve spending a few weeks before the event.
  • GSS council meets 3rd Thursday of every month


  • Jaishankar will confirm whether there are cleanup fees [UPDATE: there are, but we can request to have them waived]
  • Jaishankar will confirm the standing of the ECEGSA with the GSS (to see if we need to submit a DOF petition)