Meeting minutes 26 Oct

Place: MCLD 215, UBC
Time: Tuesday, 11:00 – 12:00 AM, October 26, 2018
1. Mehdi Karimi (President)
2. Razi Bayati(Secretary)
3. Pramit Saha (Treasurer)
4. Casimir Kuzyk (VP Social Internal)
5. Jorge Lozano (VP Social External)
6. Shahed Mohammad (VP Academic)
Discussed points/Decision made:
1. Planning deep-learning workshop event, Sunday, October 28, 9.00am-4.00pm in MCLD 418
2. Music night preparation
3. Budget claim documentation
4. Coffee social on Wednesday at 2 pm (October 31st, 2018) in the MCLD student lounge
5. Arranging costume contest for Holloween
6. Deciding about possible December events as many international students will leave
Action Items:
1. [For Mehdi] Buy google home for the mentor of the deep-learning workshop
2. [For Razi] Buy gift cards for workshop volunteers and Halloween costume contest
3. [For Shahed] Print the certificates from staples, arranging and ordering pizza for the workshop
4. [For Cas] Arranging the coffee social for Halloween and buying decoration
5. [For Shahed and Cas] Arranging rooms and tables for the workshop