Minutes 2012 06 27

Participants: Ali, Sabrina, Cara, Ghasem


– Finalize the AGM presentation

– Finalize the refreshments in the AGM

– Finalize the voting procedure for the constitution amendment

– Finalize the refreshments to be provided in financial planning seminar


  • Ali notified that Adam will present a last year’s financial summary of ECEGSA in the AGM
  • Cara said she will talk with Adam about a gap in the financial report from previous year and will try to resolve it.
  • Upon unanimous agreement, the following became the final time slot distribution for AGM’s presentation: 1.Ali(Intro 5 min)2.Adam(Previous year summary 5 min)3. Ali(Summary of proposed activities of this year 5 min)4.Cara (Financial Statement 5 min)5. Sabrina (Constitution amendment 5 min)–food and voting for constitution amendment– 6. Ghasem (Survey Summary 5 min).
  • The committee agreed to order 10 pizza: 5 veg, 2 beef, 2 pork, 1 chicken, 40 cans of beverages
  • Ghasem said that he will receive the pizza from the dealer during the event.
  • Coffee and Timbits were finalized to be the refreshments for the financial planning seminar