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Brothers Creek Hiking Trip – July 26, 2014

Budget Meeting Minutes July 2, 2014

ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – Budget Meeting with Department Location: Kaiser 5500 Time: 12:00pm-12:30pm Attendance: Dr. Ivanov, Darla La Pierre, Ahmed, Tanzil, Michelle, Felix   Budget presentation and questions: – consider combining orientation with Imagine day – wait and talk to Colleen more about this – the department want the ECEGSA to involved in orientation, but […]

Minutes June 17, 2014

ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – June 17, 2014 Location: Kaiser 4037 Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm Attendance: Ahmed, Michelle, Tanzil, Humyun, Naveen, Felix Regrets: None   Meeting Minutes from last meeting: Approved   Barbeque: – can consider buying things ourselves or using Campus Catering – we’ll buy ourselves – Ahmed will send an email tonight with an RSVP link […]

Summer BBQ – June 26, 2014