ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – September 23, 2014
Location: Kaiser 4018
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Attendance: Ahmed, Tanzil, Michelle, Shreya, Humayun, Felix (had to leave early)
Meeting minutes from last meeting: Approved
- all but Halal beef burgers have been ordered from AMS
- pickup in basement of SUB any time after 9am, pay when we pick up
- Bring down grills: Michelle, Shreya
- Pick up food from AMS: Tanzil, Ahmed
- Cooking: Felix, Tanzil, Ahmed (Michelle and Shreya to sub out if needed)
- Cleanup: whoever is around still
- Humayun will help out wherever he can
- How will we keep non-grad students from getting a free burger? – big sign
- invite staff and faculty? – yes
- Ahmed will look into renting a tent
- Michelle will send out email
- Humayun will look into them and try to arrange some times and presenters
- look for something close but easier than Grouse Grind
- look into possibility of kayaking as well
- ping pong table is fixed
- book Torn piano for tuning – repairs up to $30
Eid party
- can get $300 from GSS if held outside the GSS building, $500 if in their building
- maybe do a powerpoint show (~10 min) about Eid, then a trivia game with Eid as one of the categories
- if not in GSS building, maybe Kaiser 2020/2030
- ask GSS about funding at social on Thursday
- probably the week of October 13
Networking Night
- plan is to do it without joining with IEEE Student branch
- Ahmed will make an outline and send to everyone
- GSS is coming, include this in the email this week
Next Meeting
- 3 pm next Tuesday