Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC
Time: Thursday, 11:00 HRS, July 13, 2017
- Mehdi Mohammadi (President)
- Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype]
- Maximilian Golub (VP Social External)
Discussed Points:
- Social event to be held in Gallery-2.0 on July 21, 2017.
- Hiking to be organized on July 29, 2017.
Action Items:
- [For Arafat] Contacting BMO for an appointment to get authorization power over the ECEGSA bank account.
- [For Reef] Emailing ECE students to invite them to the social event happening in Gallery 2.0 on the 21st of July 2017.
- [For Max] Emailing ECE student to invite them to the hiking happening on the 29th of July 2017.
- [For Max] Deciding where to go for hiking.