Meeting Minutes
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Monday, 11:30 HRS, January 8, 2018 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Maximilian Golub (VP Social External) Reefayat Majumder (VP Social Internal) – [over Skype] Discussed Points/Decision made: Possible social event in this week or next 3 minute thesis (3MT) competition with collaboration to CEBE GSA Possible […]
Meeting Minutes
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Monday, 11:30 HRS, November 27, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Nishchay Khanna (Treasurer) – [over Skype] Discussed Points/Decision made: End-of-the-year party at NEST: It is decided not to buy alcoholic drinks (they are expensive). Instead, we can buy more food. Ping-pong tournament: Coffee and Cookies […]
Meeting Minutes
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Monday, 11:30 HRS, November 20, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mustafa Hammood (VP Student Services) Discussed Points/Action Taken: Professional photoshoot Ping-pong tournament Talk by start-up companies End-of-the-year party at NEST Budget plan Action Items: [For Arafat] Uploading the meeting minutes [For Max] Asking student via email to register for the photoshoot [For Mehdi] Asking […]
Meeting Minutes
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Monday, 11:30 HRS, September 25, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Nishchay Khanna (Treasurer) Mustafa Hammood (VP Student Services) Discussed Points/Action Taken: ECEGSA Budget Upcoming workshop Workshop budget Reimbursement for the Mentorship event Action Items: [For Arafat] To drop the bank documents to Mehdi by tomorrow, Tuesday, […]
Meeting Minutes [September 05, 2017]
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Tuesday, 16:30 HRS, September 05, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Nishchay Khanna (Treasurer) Mustafa Hammood (VP Student Services) Maximilian Golub (VP Social External) Discussed Points/Action Taken: To be present at the orientation (Kaiser 2020) by 10:45 am on Sep 06, 2017. Mehdi and Mustafa […]
Meeting Minutes [August 03, 2017]
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Thursday, 11:00 HRS, August 03, 2017 Attendee: Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) Maximilian Golub (VP Social External) Reefayat Majumder (VP Social Internal) — [Over Skype] Discussed Points/Action Taken: Changing the ECEGSA orientation presentation slides Possible BBQ party in August 2017 Action Items: [For Arafat and Reef] Planning for the BBQ party time […]
Meeting Minutes [July 27, 2017]
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Thursday, 11:00 HRS, July 27, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) Reefayat Majumder (VP Social Internal) Discussed Points/Action Taken: The Secretary has been introduced to the BMO by the President. Reimbursement for Friday Afternoon social, organized on July 21 of 2017, has been made to the VP Social Internal, […]
Meeting Minutes [July 20, 2017]
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Thursday, 11:00 HRS, July 20, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Mustafa Hammood (VP Student Services) – [over Skype] Reefayat Majumder (VP Social Internal) Maximilian Golub (VP Social External) Discussed Points: Labs to be included in the ECEGSA orientation (Sep 06, 11:00 am – 01:00 […]
Meeting Minutes [July 13, 2017]
Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC Time: Thursday, 11:00 HRS, July 13, 2017 Attendee: Mehdi Mohammadi (President) Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype] Maximilian Golub (VP Social External) Discussed Points: Social event to be held in Gallery-2.0 on July 21, 2017. Hiking to be organized on July 29, 2017. Action Items: [For Arafat] Contacting BMO for an appointment […]