Place: Graduate Lounge, MCLD 422, UBC
Time: Monday, 11:30 HRS, January 8, 2018
- Mehdi Mohammadi (President)
- Mohammad Arafat Hussain (Secretary) – [over Skype]
- Maximilian Golub (VP Social External)
- Reefayat Majumder (VP Social Internal) – [over Skype]
Discussed Points/Decision made:
- Possible social event in this week or next
- 3 minute thesis (3MT) competition with collaboration to CEBE GSA
- Possible hiking in Grouse mountain in February
- Possible Yoga event
Action Items:
- [For Arafat] Open a google poll to get the ECE students interest in the 3MT
- [For Reef] Thinking of organizing a social in this week or the next
[For Max] Thinking of organizing a hiking in February
- [For Mehdi] Coordinating the Yoga session