Zahra helped in planning the 2008 networking night.
Company Sponsorship
- First year they started with coop office for contact list. Not that great of a resource as companies are seeking work term students
- Do lots of online searching, yellow pages, use IEEE Think Engineering list, etc.
- Personal contact is important
- Companies who sponsored could provide small items to be included in welcome kits.
- Have early sponsorship deadline with cheques to ECEGSA (make that really clear, they had cheques go to the department before)
- Need invoices for companies that request them
- Ask companies to bring at minimum 1 HR person and 1 technical person
- Zahra can contact companies personally once we have invites ready
- Send them thank-yous
- Allow donations of door prizes
- Mailmerge/publisher is a good tool for sending personalized emails to large numbers of people
- Include parking maps if necessary
- offer cheaper tickets to early buyers
At Event
- Make sure company names are really easy to see
- Have an opening speech
- Provide everyone with one drink
- If we need to get our own bartender, find own that can provide their own alcohol
- You can survey attendees