Minutes October 28, 2014

ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – October 28, 2014

Location: MCLD 341

Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Attendance: Ahmed, Tanzil, Michelle, Shreya, Felix (came late)

Regrets: Humayun


Meeting minutes from last meeting: Approved


Networking Night:


  • ruled out the non-hotel options
  • compare hotel offers and pick one (waiting on Fairmont quotes)
  • will have to make sure to check flexibility in food ordering (cocktails instead of a full dinner) and capacity

Sponsor Package:

  • still looking for nice picture
  • want to have it ready so that as soon as the hotel is decided and picture is chosen we can go ahead and distribute
  • Felix will upload so we can see it




  • $15 gift card for presenter, don’t forget to get a signature for it
  • tell IEEE Student Branch about it too

IEEE Xplore:

  • all is good to go


  • try to put more details in event emails for workshops and other events



  • Tanzil will have something to show us by 2 meetings from now (week of Nov 10)


Sima attending meeting:

  • will likely be happening sometime in the future, date TBD


VP Academic Position:

  • if no response by Thursday (1 week from original email), email again asking for a response ASAP


Next Meeting

  • 4 pm next Tuesday