ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2014
Location: Kaiser 4018
Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Attendance: Michelle, Shreya, Arvind, Felix,
Regrets: Ahmed, Tanzil
- waiting on hearing back about T-shirts
- Shreya and Arvind will do it, maybe Michelle if she’s around
- Felix will update presentation
- people that won’t be there can make videos in they want to
- welcome social: we’ll bring treats and invite new students 30 minutes early, executives members will try to be there 30 minutes early to meet them, will make announcement about it at the department presentation
Next Semester
- Ping Pong: Arvind will take care of, likely to be in January
- leave music and games nights on the backburner for now
- probably won’t do a second movie night
Next meeting
- will plan via email in the new year