ECEGSA Meeting Minutes – Dec 8, 2014
Location: Kaiser 3047
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm
Attendance: Ahmed, Michelle, Shreya, Felix
Regrets: Tanzil
Meeting minutes from last meeting: Approved
Networking Night
- John Madden is willing to do the panel but has to confirm, if he’s in he will talk to an industrial partner, also gave some other suggestions just in case
- Andre Ivanov – ok with being on the panel, suggested a student on the panel, suggested CEO of BCTIA, UILO, etc as the moderator, will send them an email to invite (Michelle to write), ECE will help with sponsorship if needed
- BC Hydro, no response from Felix’s contact – try sending via ECEGSA email?
- Volunteer email ready and will be sent in early January
- Survey tool available through UBC – still waiting to hear back if it’s appropriate, will use this if possible
- Still trying to sort out transferring the PayPal name
- go ahead and contact non-industry organizations to invite (incl. ICICS)
VP Academic
- go ahead and invite Arvind to take the position, since he’s the only one that is able to take on the responsibilities – Ahmed to do
- will respond to others saying thank anyway and we encourage them to nominate themselves in April – Ahmed to do
- most of us won’t be here, could show up for just a few minutes if necessary
- if we can’t make it, will do our own informal orientation the next week
- Michelle to email Tara to let her know our situation
- futsal: men’s team, volleyball: co-rec
- people that are on teams have been told
- Felix to email players about payment
- have captains for both teams
- need to get shirts still (futsal definitely, volleyball not sure) – Felix to look into options
- Felix to ask department about getting shirts specifically for that purpose
- January 8 and 11 are first possible game days
MBE consultation
- Michelle to forward email to ECEGSA executive
- Michelle to respond and tell them we’d come to a meeting, we also could forward the email to students if needed
Movie Night
- move to Tuesday – Shreya to book room
- Home Alone and Despicable Me
- snacks: popcorn, chips, pop – $50 to $100 is reasonable
Next Meeting