Meeting Minutes
May 1st, 2015
Arvind V., Sujay, Yanan, Cyrus, Anup
Anup Aprem
- Old Business
- None
- New Business
Old Business
- None
New Business
- Method of Communication: (Arvind) New GMail Account/Google Drive to be created. Creating a Whatsapp Group to instant communication.
- Storage Access: (ALL) Send Name/Student ID to Arvind for access.
- ECE GSA Page, Facebook Group: (Arvind) Arvind to sent out invites to ECE GSA page and Facebook group
- ECE GSA Mail Account: Yannan, along with Arvind, volunteered to maintain the ECE GSA ECE mail account in the absence of the secretary.
- Meeting Schedule: (Arvind) The current meeting schedule is decided to take place on Monday every week from 6.00pm. Arvind to book a room and request access for at least 2 people.
- Thursday Afternoon Social: (Arvind) Arvind to set a spreadsheet with responsibilities for afternoon social setup and cleanup.
- Courtesy Call: (Arvind) Arvind to set up courtesy call meetings with Andre. Courtesy call with Darla tentatively at 2.00 pm on May 5.
- Financial Policy: (Arvind, Sujay) Transfer of account from bank.
- Constitution: (ALL) Everybody to read the constitution of ECE GSA.
- Reimbursement Policy: (Arvind) Arvind to explain the reimbursement forms and procedures.
- Secretary: Sent out call for nominations on Secretary on May 4.
- ECE GSA website: In the absence of the secretary, Cyrus volunteered to maintain the ECE GSA website.
- Storage Sign Out Form: Create a storage sign out form. Hossain and Mahidi has currently checked out the Volleyball Kit. Need to buy good quality ping-pong rackets.
Next Meeting
May 4, 2015
Next Meeting Agenda Items
- Decide on agenda of the entire year.