Minutes 2010 07 05
Lounge furniture update: Furniture is on the way. They will be delivered to the lounge. Action item: Buy mats for ping pong. Career fair: What should the career fair look like: Companies have their own booth. No booth and people just mingle. Have both. Person in charge: Ahmad Orientation: What department wants the orientation look […]
Minutes 2010 07 09
Deb helped organize the first couple of industry networking nights. She would be happy to be involved with this one. Won’t be able to hit up companies for large amounts (since it will be a mix/mingle event) Career services have given workshops on stuff like “how to meet people”. Good for promotion the week before […]
Minutes 2010 07 22
Zahra helped in planning the 2008 networking night. Company Sponsorship First year they started with coop office for contact list. Not that great of a resource as companies are seeking work term students Do lots of online searching, yellow pages, use IEEE Think Engineering list, etc. Personal contact is important Companies who sponsored could provide […]
Minutes 2010 07 26
Suggestion for the next hike: Ask the participants sign a waiver. Dana wants to buy 20$ stationary and everybody agree on that. Parisa will be away for 2 weeks: Adam will take care of the coffee break. We pre-approve 50$ for coffee break. August event: We should use the GSS money (DOF). Aug 20 and […]
Minutes 2010 08 16
Agenda: Music [Evening] on the next Monday. Games night on the next Friday. Music on Monday: There would be 5 performers. Location: Kaiser 2020 or 2030. It’s already booked from 4pm to 7pm. Games night: Next Friday. We get 600$. 200$ for games which then becomes GSS property. After all the costs for the room, […]
Minutes 2010 08 27
Games night: Everyone should sign the sign sheet. We should clean the tables. Meet outside McLeod at 6:30. Career night: Adam discussed the following topics which he talked to CS and Mech: What if there is leftover money? What if there would be dept? ICICS committed to pay 1000$. Orientation: There is no-one for Linux […]
Minutes 2010 09 10
BBQ on Sept 11th: Adam picks up stuff for BBQ Mohammad takes care of drinks, chips, 2big BBQs (one of which is Zahra’s) and one small BBQ. Dana brings plates and knives Parisa brings cutting boards Mohammad Beikahmadi will guide people to Jericho beach. (Parisa will inform him) Coffee Break lemonade pre-approval We pre-approved to […]
Minutes 2010 09 30
Networking night: Adam Noel and Ahmad Ashoori had a meeting with the head of the department regarding the networking night. Andre Ivanov provided us with some contacts of the potential sponsors/participants from the industry. Sponsorship deadline is extended to Friday, Oct 8th, 2010. Orientation wrap up: The last event of the Orientation 2010 which was […]
Minutes 2010 11 08
Roee’s suggestion: Undergrads being supervised by grads. For this, a proposal should be written. Joseph (undergrad program advisor) is already being contacted. Pub social this week: Wednesday or Thursday night. Wednesday is preferable. Meet at 6pm. Christmas party: It can be on Friday or Saturday. We are not sure yet whether or not people have […]
Minutes 2010 12 03
Networking night wrap up: Preapproval of 20$ for parking. Christmas party: We have liquor license. Danna believes cans of beer can not be served in public parties. Adam told that he has not seen any restriction regarding that. Costs: pizza, liquor license, alcohol, Christmas candies and Christmas decorations. Staff party is happening before us, we […]